TDS’ Lydic: Trump Reducing Gov’t Workforce ‘Seems to Be Less About Cost Cutting and More About Sweet, Sweet Revenge’
LYDIC: “But Elon Musk isn’t the only one having people fingerbang their eggs Florentine with excitement. Donald Trump is also reducing the government workforce, although his interests seem to be less about cost-cutting and more about sweet, sweet revenge."
[clip starts]
STEPHANOPOULOS: "Tremendous unrest inside the FBI as prosecutors and agents who worked on the January 6th investigation are being targeted."
KARL: "It looks like a wholesale purge at the FBI. As you know, already the eight top officials at the Federal Bureau of Investigations have either been fired or forced to resign. Now the FBI is being asked to produce a list of every employee who worked on any case related to January 6th. I am told this is some 6,000 FBI employees all told."
[clip ends]
LYDIC: "What the [bleep]? These agents were doing their job enforcing the law, and now they’re getting fired? That is not how it works! I cannot believe I have to explain firing to the star of ‘The Apprentice.’”