Axelrod on American Owning Gaza: ‘Imagine How the Chinese Will Interpret that as They Eye Taiwan’

‘If you can roll in and take another country, why wouldn‘t you do it?’


AXELROD: "Listen, I think it was telling when Vladimir Putin rolled into Ukraine and President Trump‘s first reaction to it, then-former President Trump was, 'Genius.' Genius. And why did he say genius? Because if you can take another — if you can roll in and take another country, why wouldn‘t you do it? And the reason you wouldn‘t do it is because if everybody plays by those rules, you quickly devolve into global conflicts. Imagine how the Chinese interpret that as they eye Taiwan. If the the new rule is that you can take anything you want if you have the force to take it, we are in for a very, very tough time in a very -- in the very near future."

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