Stephen A. Smith: Trump Is Putting America in a Position that Where ‘It Could Create the Ire of the Arab World’
SMITH: “To have all of that going on and for him to talk the way that he’s talking, this is the kind of chaos, Chris, this is the kind of chaos, sir, that I was talking about when I talked about my hesitancy and ultimately why I decided not to vote for this man. Because you’re thinking, if it were another candidate, excuse me, it’s somebody that could be drawn to the center, it’s somebody that will communicate within our system of government, understanding there's I's that needed to be dotted, there's T's that needed to be crossed before you opened your mouth and put America in that kind of position where it could create the ire of the Arab world, for all we know, when all of this is said and done. To speak so loosely over something so pivotal, so important, is alarming, to say the least. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s how I felt watching that press conference, and I watched it from start to finish."