Crockett: ‘Biggest Issue’ Is a Segment of this Country Thinking Musk Taking over the Treasury Is ‘Great’

‘For whatever reason, it seems like only the Democrats care’


CROCKETT: “What is frustrating to me, though, is that we do have a segment of this country that is like, oh, this is great. I think that’s my biggest issue because I don’t think that this should be about partisanship, yet for whatever reason, it seems like only the Democrats care, and only Democrats care about getting on top of other Democrats, instead of calling out Republicans and saying this is a matter of right versus wrong, this is a matter of a democratic republic. Instead, they’re just like, well, what are the Democrats doing? Well, we fought like we could on November 5th and unfortunately, he controls every lever of government. And along with controlling every lever, he obviously has a good hold on their spines as well, because I’ve yet to see a Republican spine stand up."

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