Pirro on NJ Gov Accused of Hiding an Illegal: Taunting the Feds Is Like the Dumbest Thing You Could Do

‘It is the problem that the Democrats have, they just want to resist Trump’


PIRRO: “But I really want to talk about the arrogance of Phil Murphy and, you know, his idea that — taunting the feds is like the dumbest thing you can do. It's Article 8, USC 1324. I mean, it is a felony. And all of the Democrats, especially — remember in Massachusetts, they were like, 'We're going to do everything we can to resist this,’ and they have all seemed to back down other than Gavin Newsom. And this guy, as Dana said, he either lied or he made his spokesperson lie. He outs the housekeeper, if there is one, but it is the dumbest thing that he could do. And it is the problem that the Democrats have. They just want to resist Trump. And they are so used to this country being lawless that there is no consequence to when you violate the law that they just feel free to do whatever they want. And that is what Donald Trump is doing in this country, he is changing it back to the fact that people have to follow the law, and that includes the governor."

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