Gutfeld: Trump Is Where Gov’t Secrets Go to Die — He’s Doing More than 40 Years of So-Called Heroic Investigative Journalism
GUTFELD: "Doesn’t that sound familiar? It’s exactly what is happening with USAID, and it is going to happen with every single other program and department, because they are corrupt. And if you think how, do I know that? I just explained it to you. The White House, the biggest political cover-up in history, right in front of your eyes, and you think that somehow this is going to be pristine behind closed doors, when you talk about everything — I mean, we are talking about Hamas being funded. We are talking about Haiti, those billions that disappeared. We are talking about trans and gender propaganda in foreign countries. There is so many things. You know, love Trump or hate him, Jessica — and I know where you stand — Trump is where government secrets go to die. He is doing more than 40 years of so-called and heroic investigative journalism. We are learning about stuff we never bothered to learn, and it is not coming from The Nation or The New Republic or The Atlantic, it's coming from a Republican president.”