Neurologist Warns of Air Quality in Areas Affected by California Wildfires: ‘Limit Your Exposure’

‘If you are having cardiac symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain, palpitations you should go to emergency room’


SURASKY: “Well, look, I think anyone that has underlying pulmonary or cardiac conditions like asthma or COPD or heart conditions like arrhythmias must be very careful. We know that. You have to limit your exposure by remaining indoors, windows closed, run the air conditioner, the HEPA filters. Now, look, if you do have asthma or COPD, you don’t hesitate to take an extra puff of that, of that inhaler if you’re feeling shortness of breath. If you have symptoms like your eyes or your throat are burning, don’t hesitate to call your physician. If you’re having cardiac symptoms, that’s what I worry about, if you’re having cardiac symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain, palpitations, that’s when you should go to the emergency room. But the key is persistence. If you only, say, feel palpitations for a few seconds, that’s not necessarily something to be so concerned with. If it continues on, that’s when you do want to go to the emergency room.”

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