Alex Wagner: Calling the Jury ‘Rigged,’ Trump and Conservative Media Are Putting the Target on the Backs’ of Regular People

‘Trump and conservative media are already setting the stage to blame the jury if Trump is found guilty’


WAGNER: “The narrative has to be that the whole thing was rigged. And that brings us to the most pressing part of all of this: the safety of the jurors. By painting the jury as rigged, Trump and the conservative media are putting the target on the backs of these normal people, literally people just showing up for jury duty. At this point, that is part of a very clear pattern. Donald Trump demonized election workers and then his supporters threatened and attacked them. Donald Trump demonized court staff and prosecutors and judges, and then his supporters threatened and harassed them. Donald Trump demonized the FBI and now multiple Trump supporters have physically attacked FBI field offices. Multiple FBI offices. Today, the judge in this case asked the press to limit the amount of identifying information we as the press published about these jurors. Understanding the physical danger that information could put them in, one would hope most of the numbers of the press will comply. I know we will. But what happens if other people aren’t as cautious? What happens if Donald Trump or even just conservative media keep demonizing these people, saying they are secret partisans out to destroy Donald Trump? What happens if they put the jury in danger?"

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