Haley Is Releasing Ad with the Mother of Otto Warmbier, a Student Imprisoned in N. Korea Who Later Died During Trump’s Presidency

‘You can’t have someone who is trying to buddy up with dictators that want to kill us’


HALEY: "I think this really does show the contrast. So, I worked with Cindy and Fred Warmbier. They're amazing people. And I will tell you, as a parent, no parent wants to see their child returned to them the way they saw Otto returned. I mean, this was a happy, smart kid. He went to North Korea and, I mean, the thugs in North Korea tortured him and returned him back in a state that is unconscionable. And the difference is, I told Fred and Cindy, 'Speak up, get loud. Make sure. I will help you. Let's partner. We're going to call North Korea out.' I passed the largest set of sanctions against them in a generation by pushing China and Russia to do it. But what did Trump do? Instead, he talked about love letters going back and forth to Kim Jong-un. Cindy would contact me, she was so upset. And he went and said, 'Oh, but Kim said that he wasn't aware of any torture that happened to Otto.' All you had to do was look at Otto when he was returned back to his parents.”

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