Trump: ‘America Loves Christmas...and They’d Say Merry Christmas Until These Crazy People Came Along’

‘Whether you’re Muslim, whether you’re a Christian, whether you’re Jewish, everyone loves Christmas’

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TRUMP: “And openly said merry Christmas, we’re going to say it again. I want any part of my campaign like the country had started with this woke. I guess little bit before that yeah and it was embarrassing for stores to say merry Christmas. You say these big change, they want your money, but they don’t want to say merry Christmas and that use read that use whites and snow, but they wouldn’t say Christmas, and when I started campaigning, this was in twenty fifteen. When I started, campaigning, I said you to say merry Christmas again and now people are saying it of course, then saying a lot of other things. Like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, names are being obliterated because of craziness.”

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