Dem Strategist: ‘No Signs of a Blue Tsunami Let Alone a Blue Wave’

‘What the Republican Party is doing, they are running a race war campaign’


AMANDI: “I think today will be an interesting test. We’ll see another next week. But I think Mark is right. There is certainly no signs of a blue tsunami, let alone a blue wave. For a lot of folks looking at Florida as a referendum on what the national politics is, this governor’s race between DeSantis and Gillum has become the most nationalized race in the country because of the contours of Trump’s endorsement of DeSantis, Gillum running on a very progressive platform. I think it is concerning when you don’t see the type of turnout, the type of historic turnout, so for those folks who are watching that want to see Florida go blue, I think now is the time to get those voters out because the enthusiasm gap doesn’t seem to be very high at this stage with a little bit more than a week to go. Let me make one other point. Watching those images of Ron DeSantis and the charges of not wanting to return those money, I think back to how the conservative right lost their minds, their collective minds, when it was revealed that pastor Jeremiah Wright made those incendiary comments about America, and they literally made it a referendum on what Obama was going to do. And I think President Obama acted appropriately.” 

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