Trump: ‘The Republican Party Is the Party of the American Worker’

‘They are all saying merry Christmas now’

TRUMP: "Republicans are rebuilding our country. We believe in the dignity of work, the power of freedom, and we believe in the truth of our national motto, which a lot of people do not like using. Did you see some court ruled against it the other day? 'In God we trust.' Nobody is going to rule against it. Remember when I first started, I hate to bring it up now, but I used to say, we are going to start saying 'Merry Christmas' again. At the beginning of my campaign, it was December, and I would go to see these stores and they would never say 'Merry Christmas'. They are all saying 'Merry Christmas' now. They are proud of it. Our victories are America’s victories because the Republican Party is the party of the American worker, the American family, the American dream, and you know what else? The party of the American warrior. You warriors, you're great people."

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