Welker to Sarah Sanders: Can You Guarantee that We Will Never Hear Trump Utter the N-Word on a Recording?

‘I can’t guarantee anything’


WELKER: “Can you stand at the podium and guarantee the American people that Donald Trump will never utter the N-word on a recording in any context?”

HUCKABEE-SANDERS: “I can’t guarantee anything. I can tell you the President addressed this question directly. I can tell you I have never heard it. I can tell you if myself or the people in this building serving this country every single day doing our very best to help people all across this country and make it better, if at any point we felt that the President was who some of his critics claim him to be, we certainly wouldn’t be here. This is a president who is fighting for all Americans, who is putting policies in place that help all Americans, particularly African Americans. Just look at the economy alone. This President since he took office in the 1 1/2 years that he’s been here has created 700,000 new jobs for African Americans. That’s 700,000 African Americans that are working now that weren’t working when this President took place. When President Obama left after eight years in office, eight years in office, he had only created 195,000 jobs for African Americans. President Trump in his first 1 1/2 years has already tripled what President Obama did in eight years. Not only did he do that for African Americans, but for Hispanics. 1.7 million more Hispanics are working now. This is a president that cares about all Americans, committed to helping them and putting policies in play that do that. Kevin? Kevin, go ahead.”

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