Trump Jr: Dems ‘Are Left of Commie Right Now’

‘And I don’t think that’s where America is’


WATTERS: "A lot of Democrats will run in districts where it was close with Hillary and trump. Are they going to say we are against bonuses? Are they going to say we are against low unemployment or rising paychecks and go along with Pelosi and Schumer? Are they going to say yeah we recognize the economy is good. Here is how the Democratic Party can make it better." 
TRUMP JR.: "I think they will go with the former because they can’t help themselves at this point. But the problem is rather than being reasonable and coming to the table, they forced themselves first and further left. They are left of commie right now. And I don’t think that’s where America is. I think people want some moderation in their thought from their leaders."

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