Art Laffer on Tax Cuts: ‘Economic Growth Always Gives You More Revenues’

‘If you cut the corporate tax rate by itself, no pay-fors, no offsets, nothing, you’d have a larger revenue growth over the next ten years’


LAFFER: "Oh, it was terrible. It was terrible. The reason for it, Neil, we phased in the tax cuts because of silly accounting procedures. I like love Mike Rounds, he's a great guy, I've known him for a long time, and he's a super senator, but all of the pay-fors that he's talking about are just plain wrong. If you cut the corporate tax rate by itself, no pay-fors, no offsets, nothing, you’d have a larger revenue growth over the next ten years. Economic growth always gives you more revenues. It did it with Kennedy, Clinton, it does it with all of these presidents."

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