Fox News: Trump Tweets On Charlottesville - ‘We All Must Be United and Condemn All That Hate Stands for’

‘So, both the President and First Lady issuing some very strong statements condemning what is happening with these white nationalists in Charlottesville’


FISHER: "In the midst of everything going on with North Korea and Venezuela, President Trump has had to shift his attention to what’s going on in charlottesville. He is Twitter to issue his first statement about what has been happening. Here it is, K moments ago. It reads go, we all must be united in condemn all that hate stands for. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. Let’s come together as one. Now, the first statement from anyone within the trump Administration a trump family came from the first lady, about one hour before that tweet from President Trump. She issued her own statement on Twitter and it reads, our country encourages freedom of speech, but let’s communicate without hate in our hearts. No good comes from violence. So, both the president and first lady issuing some very strong statements condemning what is happening with these white nationalists in charlottesville. This is a tricky situation. It was during the Republican primary that the former KKK grand wizard, David duke came out and supported president Trump. President Trump, the candidate trump was a little slow to disavow that support, earning him quite a bit of criticism. In essence, said that he wants nothing to do with the former grand wizard. And disavow that support wholeheartedly. But, David duke was at that rally today. He issued a very strong statement himself about why he is there. He alluded to the fact that he, along with other white nationalists feel emboldened now that President Trump is in the White House. Of course wethers president Trump likes it or not. There is a video posted on Twitter by a reporter from vanity for is David duke in a rally in charlottesville today speaking to a crowd of several reporters. I want to share with you all what David duke said on this vanity fair writer’s Twitter fee. It’s a video. He says, we are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump’s what we believed in and why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he is going to take her country back. So it’s very clear that David duke feels that the policies that he believes in the things he believes and are supported by President Trump and his policies. But, President Trump clearly disagrees with that. He’s issued a strong statement announcing the rally in the violence while at the same time continuing to say that we support freedom of speech. This is the very first reaction from President Trump are getting. I’m sure will be getting more or we could be getting more response from President Trump today given how vocal he has been with the media in recent days. The media is going to shoot some video of him this afternoon around 3:00 P.M. He may speak to reporters at that time. That could be the first chance we get to hear President Trump condemn what’s been happening charlottesville in person as opposed to the statements on Twitter." 

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