CNN’s Stelter: ‘Trump’s Venomous Talk Is Really Resonating with His Fans’

‘Those boos are meaningful’


[clip starts]
TRUMP: "Let’s rate the media’s 100 days. (...) They are a disgrace. (...) Media outlets like CNN and MSNBC are fake news. (...) Take the totally failing 'New York Times'. (...) They write nasty editorials and op-eds. (...) The Washington media is part of the problem. (...) I think we would all agree the media deserves a very, very big fat failing grade." 
[clip ends]
STELTER: "Those boos are meaningful because the boos mean Trump’s venomous talk is really resonating with his fans. But let’s face it, Trump’s anti-media attacks are not really news. They’re the opposite of new. They’re a copy and paste from the campaign. What is new this morning is Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, saying changes to libel laws are on the table. Now, the President has repeatedly talked about this and tweeted about this, saying he wants to make it easier to sue news outlets."

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