Maxine Waters: Chaffetz Has Connections to the Kremlin, ‘We Need To Keep an Eye on Him’

‘He’s strange in the way that he’s conducting himself’

WATERS: "No, I really don’t. There is a lot of speculation about what he’s doing. There are those who were told that he’s trying to position himself to run for higher office, and I think it’s for governor. There are those who think that he, in some ways, have some connections to what is going on in the Ukraine and perhaps in Russia itself and knows something about all of this. I don’t really know. I can’t say, but he’s strange in the way that he’s conducting himself. And maybe he thinks that if he rolls out and points to the fact that something is going on with Flynn that he did not disclose, and this is criminal, I mean he’s violated a federal law, that somehow this will raise him above maybe what connections he may have with the Kremlin. I don’t know. But we need to keep an eye on him."

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