Joe Scarborough: Who Were the Enablers Helping Harvey Weinstein?

‘Who were the assistants that would go to hotel rooms with young actresses and then abandon them’


SCARBOROUGH: “If you read — I read an op-ed yesterday on this, I forget who said it, but you have look at the enablers. Who were the assistants that would actually go to hotel rooms with young actresses and then abandon them, taking them in there —”
BRZEZINSKI: “Or participate.”
SCARBOROUGH: “Yeah, making them feel comfortable and then left them there. Who were all of those enablers all along? Who are the enablers at the company? Who are the enablers at the studios? What agents knew this was going on, and why the hell didn’t they say it? One young woman was told by someone who worked with Weinstein on the board, 'Boy, I’m so sorry, if you were my daughter —' That  is not the standard, 'If you were my daughter.' If you see that happening, you grab somebody by the neck and take them down to the front office.”

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