Rand on a ‘Revenue Neutral Tax Reform’: ‘Why Bother?’ ‘I Want to Lower Taxes’

‘I want to lower taxes to leave more money in the hands of those who earned it, to stimulate the economy, but also to shrink the size of government’


PAUL: "It’s very important that we have this debate, because unfortunately too many Republicans in Washington want to do the tax shifting. Ever since I have come up here and I met these folks they’re like, 'We want to do revenue neutral tax reform.' I’m like, why bother? If that’s what we’re for, I’m going home. I want to lower taxes to leave more money in the hands of those who earned it, to stimulate the economy, but also to shrink the size of government. So I would not only cut taxes, I would cut spending as well. But the way they look at it is, 'Oh, we’ll cut taxes, but we’ll raise somebody else’s taxes so it doesn’t do anything to the deficit.' I’m like, 'No, no! Let’s cut spending.' So it infuriates me, the debate as it exists in Washington."

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