New Grabien Upgrade: Blazingly Fast Clipping


We thought our clients might be interested in learning we've just dramatically improved the processing time on our clipping tools and video processing.

In fact, Grabien is now ... faster than YouTube!

The deets:

— The Clipper now processes clips 40-60 percent faster than previously. 

— The LiveClipper processes clips 10-20 percent faster.

— The NewsBase/NewsClipper processes clips 50-70 percent faster (basically, immediately).

— And our video processing is 40-60 percent faster. Uploading a 1 minute clip to YouTube takes 25 seconds. On Grabien? 18 seconds. 

In this industry, speed wins. That's why we're always looking to improve our performance. 

As always, please keep the feedback coming. And stay tuned for the next round of updates. 

